record maintained for each guest who has stayed at the hotel with a separate
entry for each visit and details of pertinent preferences. This is a valuable
reference tool for reservations, marketing, and credit departments. Guest
histories are now more readily available through the increased utilization of
computers and technology.
Guest history is a valuable service
and marketing tool. In particular, it is likely to become a strategic device
for the development of brand loyalty in the 1990s. Reports on a nationwide
Australian study of 121 hotels’ use of guest history, and describes some of the
key opportunities for optimizing the guest history function. The findings
suggest that while guest history is being widely utilized by hotels, the extent
of that utilization is limited. Three major areas for developing strategies to
optimize the guest history function were found to include:
- specific guest history training modules; an internal service orientation emphasizing the organization-wide usage of guest history to service the customer better; and further enhancement of the use of guest history for increasing brand loyalty
Virtually all systems claim to have
“guest history;” however, most really only have reservation history, which is
simply the ability to view checked-out folios. The problem with reservation
history is duplication. If a guest stays at the property four different times,
there are four different reservations. Therefore, the reservation history will
contain four different mailing labels and/or Email addresses.
Many advance systems includes guest
history database that is separate from reservation history. If a guest stays at
the property four different times, the system stores only one guest history
record, with four reservation records linked to it. This allows only one
mailing label or letter to be printed instead of four. It also allows only one
E-Mail to be sent using E-Mail Marketing
The system tracks an E-Mail address
for each guest, travel agent, group, company, and wholesaler. E-Mail marketing
can be used to market selected guests, all guests, or to certain guests, based
on various parameters. For example, you
can send an E-Mail to all guests that have not made a reservation in the last 6
months or all guests from India. The system is capable of sending thousands
of E-Mails with just a few keystrokes.
- Instantaneous delivery without postage costs
- Send mass E-Mails to all or part of your guest history database
- Use targeted guest history mailings to reach specific past guest markets, i.e., business that originated through a specific source (Travel Agents or Companies) of business code (Corporate or Leisure) or a specific state.
- Deliver confirmation changes with a click of the mouse
- Access guest history E-Mail address during new reservation process
Quick New Reservations for Past Guests
- When new reservations are made, the system automatically searches the guest history database to determine if the guest has stayed at the property before. The search can be by name, E-Mail Address, frequent guest number, and other criteria. For repeat guests, the system uses address information from guest history, saving valuable entry time for the reservationist. For new guests, the system automatically adds the guest to the guest history master database.
- Guests who are part of the frequent guest program can use “points” to make the reservation.
Personalized Service in Reservations
Many sophisticated systems provide a
complete list of guest preferences for repeat guests. For example, when a
repeat guest calls, the reservationist can quickly determine what room type is
preferred and any special requests for cribs, non-smoking rooms, etc. This
allows the reservationist to personalize the reservation process.
example, the reservationist may say, “Mrs. Smith, would you prefer a
non-smoking room with a crib again this trip? And would you like to confirm
this reservation with Visa Card # 2342343295234?” Remembering guest preferences
lead to improved customer satisfaction and additional business.
C. Warning of
“Problem” Guests
Immediate guest history access during
the reservation also allows for problem-guest warnings.
example, if the guest damaged a room last time or did not pay his bill, mark
his guest history record as Do Not Rent, Blacklist, and so on. Problem guests
are quickly identified and stopped prior to confirming a new reservation.
D. Reprint Folios
Guest folios can be displayed on the
screen or reprinted forever, limited only by available disk space. If a guest
calls several months or even years after his stay with a folio question,
reprint a copy instantly.
folios forever also allows the system to produce various statistical reports,
including revenue by source of business, market code, rate plan, state, unit
type, and travel agent.
E. Personalized
Letters & Mailing Labels
The system generates personal letters
to guests. The letter is created one time and then printed as often as required
on your letterhead. The letter can be printed for all guests or a range of
guests. A consistent mailing program to past guests increases return rates and
average daily rates. Complete mailing lists are available as part of guest history.
Mailing labels can be printed for all guests in zip code sequence for a bulk
rate mailing. Specific targeting is also possible. For example, you could print
labels for all guests from India.
F. Information-Only
Inquiries (Brochure Requests, etc)
can be added to the history database without making a reservation. This allows
you to track ‘information only” requests. Then, the system automatically sends
a letter or prints a label for these potential guests. Periodic mailings to
potential guests significantly increase occupancy.